Good morning, afternoon, and evening,
This three-track guzheng waltz was composed and recorded yesterday.
I am never satisfied by music in tonal chromatic scale anymore. The chromatic scale is a musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone, also known as a half-step, above or below its adjacent pitches. In this piece, I initially laid down two tracks: the baseline and the melody, both in tonal scales. And then I felt that there was a huge piece missing with only the perfectly pitched phrases. It sounded so strange until I added the sliding tremolos that broke the “sweetness”. I guess that is the real me — I can’t eat candy. Candy music is the worst. Now, with every spice added to the new dish, I feel a big relief in my chest :)
The photo below is from my solo concert tour in Colombia in August 2024. The graffiti in Colombia was amazing! The photo was taken in Riohacha. The English translation of the text on the wall is:
“Almighty Father, I believe in God. Who do you want? Do you know that I am Francisco el Hombre, of Mary and Joseph? If you are mortal, why don’t I see you? ” Francisco el Hombre is a character of Colombian folklore, who plays Vallenato, a traditional genre of music from Colombia’s Caribbean coast.
Wu Fei 吴非
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