Wu Fei's Music Daily
Wu Fei's Music Daily
The Little Flowing River

The Little Flowing River

Hi everyone,

Thank you for subscribing to Wu Fei’s Music Daily. This is the 74th episode — The Little Flowing River.

It was recorded yesterday on guzheng and vocal, arranged by me. It is inspired by a love folk song from Yunnan province in China called 《小河淌水》The little flowing river. This song is my mother’s favorite folk song. She just told me that, before she moved to Nashville with my father, she sang this song every time when she reached the top of the mountain during her daily hike that’s near her old home in the countryside of Beijing.

Hope you and your loved ones enjoy it!


月亮出来亮汪汪, 亮汪汪, The moon comes out bright,

想起我的阿哥在深山。Thinking of my love in the deep mountains far away.

哥像月亮天上走, 天上走, My lover walks in the sky like the moon,

哥啊哥啊哥啊! My love oh my love!

山下小河淌水清悠悠。The little river at the bottom of the mountain is clear and flowing.

月亮出来照半坡,照半坡,The moon comes out and shines on the foothill,

望见月亮想起我阿哥。Seeing the moon, thinking of my love.

一阵清风吹上坡,吹上坡, A clear breeze blowing uphill,

哥啊哥啊哥啊!My love oh my love!

你可听见阿妹叫阿哥? Can you hear me calling you?

Butterfly milkweed, native of Tennessee. I see them on the hiking trail near my home in Nashville.

Wu Fei's Music Daily
Wu Fei's Music Daily
An original piece of music every weekday from genre-bending composer, guzheng virtuoso, and vocalist Wu Fei. Concerts & tour info on www.wufeimusic.com