Wu Fei's Music Daily
Wu Fei's Music Daily
#976 — A little origami 小叠纸

#976 — A little origami 小叠纸


Hi everyone,

I recorded this vocal and guzheng improvisation yesterday with the memory of a beautiful gift I received during my artist-in-residence in Joshua Tree last month.

I played for four public elementary schools during their assemblies. It was such a heart-moving experience for me to bring music to these kids. Many of them had never seen live concerts before. We had so much fun singing together!

One little girl, maybe 6 years old, came to me at the end of the performance after everyone had left. She gave me a sweet little origami that she made for me while I was playing on stage (photo below). I was the luckiest and happiest person on earth! I put this little gift in my guzheng kit purse with me now wherever I travel to. Hope this piece brings you a moment of joy.

Wu Fei 吴非

Wufeimusic.com | hellogoldmountain.com | wufeimusic.substack.com

Wu Fei's Music Daily
Wu Fei's Music Daily
An original piece of music every weekday from genre-bending composer, guzheng virtuoso, and vocalist Wu Fei. Concerts & tour info on www.wufeimusic.com