Wu Fei's Music Daily
Wu Fei's Music Daily
#592 — Guzheng night song 26 古筝夜曲二十六号

#592 — Guzheng night song 26 古筝夜曲二十六号

This night song was recorded yesterday after I read a poem by Xiang Hong Zuo (1798 - 1835), a poet from the Qing Dynasty of China. When I was reading this poem, I could hear birds singing non-stop in the forest. It helped me to focus again since I was awake a lot last night from a loud thunder storm. Hope this piece can help you too to fall asleep tonight. I believe you can hear the birds in the recording too. Wishing you all a restful weekend!

The poem in Chinese:

《清平乐·池上纳凉》项鸿祚 (1798- 1835, 清)


English translation:

The summer conversations are as quite as water when people in the courtyard enjoy a summer night. The mild wind can not shake the curtain nor can blow the candle out on the torch. The bamboo shadows on the wall is like a painting.

 After some wine, musicians play a mouth organ while the listeners cool themselves quietly with fans in the courtyard. A quick storm passes through the lotus pond tonight. Tomorrow, the sound of autumn may arrive.

Wu Fei 吴非

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Calligraphy of this poem by me.
Wu Fei's Music Daily
Wu Fei's Music Daily
An original piece of music every weekday from genre-bending composer, guzheng virtuoso, and vocalist Wu Fei. Concerts & tour info on www.wufeimusic.com